Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What a Treat!

It is a real treat to hear the comments about my book "From YiaYia, With Love, Poetry for Young Children"! 

I have had the glorious opportunity to experience a two year old child sit and be read to for 20 minutes, enjoying the rhymes and pictures of the poetry, repeating the experience several times.

It was relayed to me how a granddaughter "reads" it to her cousin (each are 3 years of age).  Today I had the opportunity to meet this sweet, meek child.  Despite her shyness, she was quite pleased to see a copy of my book on my desk.  She turned to her mom with wide eyes noticing it was the very book that was at her house! Her eyes grew even bigger as she was allowed to open it, (a big grin appeared) and look through it.  As she flipped through the familiar  pages, she was asked what her favorite poem was.  She went back to a certain page -  "The PeePee Dance"!  

Part of the heart of this meeting for me was seeing her obvious realization that she was meeting the person who wrote the words and drew the pictures.  It "clicked".  She was elated and actually did a little "spin and jump" with excitement!  She wanted to carry the copy away with her! The sweet glow of this child will repeatedly come to my recollection vividly. 

Another part of the heart of this meeting was my realization of a dream fulfilled.  But what I didn't expect was to help a child relate a finished book to the person who created it.  A new experience for me, and for them!

Thanks to the mom who provided the opportunity for her child not only be read to, but to "read" my book to another child, to increase her love for reading, and most importantly bring a confidence this child will carry with her.  

As she left, the bounce in her step said it all!

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